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1 researchok  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 12:51:04pm

Huge story.

The further we get from 9/11, the more contentious these issues get.

I wonder what the critics will say if heaven forbid, there is another major tragedy.

2 sliv_the_eli  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 1:13:49pm

re: #1 researchok

Huge story.

The further we get from 9/11, the more contentious these issues get.

I wonder what the critics will say if heaven forbid, there is another major tragedy.

Do you really wonder? I don't. Whoever is in office - Democrat or Republican -- will be villified for having "allowed" it to happen. Thus has the state of our politics and society deterioriated.

3 researchok  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 1:16:30pm

re: #2 sliv_the_eli

Do you really wonder? I don't. Whoever is in office - Democrat or Republican -- will be villified for having "allowed" it to happen. Thus has the state of our politics and society deterioriated.

Some truth there.

4 Daniel Ballard  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 2:47:58pm

I expect my normal expectation privacy intact for government spy agencies and law enforcement. I expect warrants for surveillance. These guys cant even get or use FISA warrants? They almost never get turned down. Or used on terror suspects but that's another story.

I expect these things as a lawful citizen who also would like to see no more terror attacks. Or more reductions in our liberties. These things are not exclusive. I expect the constitution to prevail. Or else.

5 sliv_the_eli  Wed, Oct 5, 2011 3:48:13pm

re: #4 Rightwingconspirator

The linked article is a bit confusing, because it refers to both public and private networks. With respect to public networks, it is not so clear that there is any constitutional right to privacy against government information gathering. The Supreme Court has reiterated time and again that the right, under the Constitution, to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures applies only to information in which one has a reasonable expectation of privacy. The government does not, for example, need a warrant to attend a public speech that I give and take notes on what I say and do. It does, on the other hand, require a warrant to come into my home and do the same thing with respect to the things I say to my t.v. set while watching a so-called "reality show".

The question, then, is whether there is any reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to what one writes or states on a "public" network. My understanding is that, consistent with well-settled constitutional principles, there is probably little to no such expectation and a warrant is probably not needed. A "private" network, on the other hand, implies a reasonable expectation of privacy and a warrant before the government can go snooping.

The question, insofar as it appears from the article, is whether the NSA can be trusted not to snoop on private networks if it is given the authority to do so with respect to public networks.

6 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Oct 6, 2011 11:25:51am

re: #5 sliv_the_eli

I would hope my email and my texts would be private, as being the same as telephone conversations. As would my web traffic, as I have a direct connection to the server of say CNN or LGF to view or comment. That's enough unlike say radio broadcasts I might make to claim it is private communication, not broadcast communication.

If they want to see my posts, look at LGF, not my traffic at the hub, or worse, don't hack my computer at home. Not without probable cause.

The NSA can not be trusted to ensure privacy. Only strong public / congressional oversight can do that. No agency can be trusted without strong transparent accountable oversight.

The law should go like this-When in doubt, a warrant must be required. At least a FISA warrant. Preferably a real warrant.

I also expect private and public networks will overlap a great deal.

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